▶ About Test Rewards

Rewards 1️⃣

After NFT forging is complete, users will receive a test airdrop of 700 ERB 💰 based on the wallet address corresponding to the NFT address.

Rewards 2️⃣

After successfully completing the NFT forging process, you will receive 1 NFT Exp. The Exp data will be directly obtained from the Erbie Chain.

While the base value of NFT Exp might be small, the exchange ratio for different types of Exp to redeem mainnet rewards varies.

Rewards 3️⃣

According to the DRE algorithm, out of the NFTs forged each day, 16 artworks will be randomly selected to become SNFTs. The providers of the selected artworks will become the creators of the corresponding SNFTs.

Erbie has two native assets, ERB and SNFT. Approximately 16 rounds of SNFT are generated each day. SNFT is composed of 4096 L0 fragments, and the creator of SNFT will receive a 10% share of all transactions involving the 4096 L0 SNFT

For the selected creators, we will track your ongoing earnings and use the revenue data to participate in the final creator's prize pool distribution.💰

Last updated