SNFT Overview and Query

WormholesChain has two native assets β€” fungible token ERB and non-fungible token SNFT.

Differing from the common NFTs based on the smart contract layer, SNFTs are a native non-fungible asset on WormholesChain. SNFTs are not minted through smart contracts but rather rewarded to participating SNFT Miners as 4/11 of the block rewards of each new block.

The S-NFT levels include L0, L1, L3, and L3, with L0 being the lowest and L3 being the highest.

16 pieces of the same SNFT (L0) can form a complete SNFT (L1)

16 complete SNFTs of the same collection (L1) can be synthesized into an SNFT collection (L2)

16 collections of the same period SNFT (L2) can be synthesized into SNFT period (L3)

If any level of SNFT has been exchanged for ERB, the remaining SNFT will be automatically upgraded after the collection is completed. For example, 6 of the 16 SNFT (L0 L1 L2) have been exchanged for ERB at a fixed exchange rate. The remaining 10 S-NFTs will be automatically synthesized to the next level.πŸ“Œ

How to query SNFT?πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”

Query SNFT details through the Limino wallet.

β–ΆLimino online wallet:

Visit wallet to log in to the account and enter the page in Figure 1, switch to the SNFT asset page. The list shows the details of the SNFT held, and the left L0 is the S-NFT level , and the right side is the specific order of the issue, collection, SNFT, and fragments to which the SNFT belongs.

For example, the first SNFT asset belongs to the 16th fragment of the 8th S-NFT of the 14th collection of the third period.

For detailed inquiries, you can use the function keys on the right to jump to the trading market and browser for inquiries.

β–ΆLimino plug-in wallet:

Enter the Limino plug-in wallet, as shown in Figure 2, you can perform a visual preview of the SNFT. The colored icon is the SNFT that already has L0 fragments. Click to enter the page in Figure 3 to query the details of the SNFT. The obtained SNFT fragments (L0) can be collected in the meteorite market to improve the level of SNFT.

Query through the Meteorite market.

Enter the Meteorite market

The user center can also check the details of the SNFT held and conduct free transactions.

Last updated